[BangBus] Antonella Lasirena (Pierced Nipple Girl Gets Fucked Hard / 07.10.2019)


Antonella LaSirena was walking down the street in Miami when some loud guys started to shout at her from a suspicious bus. But they were funny. And they dropped some money. Pretended she dropped it. They had a huge stash of money. They paid her $500 just for getting her shirt wet. Well her shirt was white and exposed her big wonderful boobs and her pierced nipple. Who wouldn’t get into the bus with those guys? More money flew at her. What was the right dick size? All of a sudden there was dick the size of what she was showing with her hands right next to her. Obviously she sucked it. Even though she told the guys she liked slow and smooth fucking. This guy named Peter fucked the shit out of her. Fast like a rabbit hard like a pornstar. She got fucked almost unconscious. Peter came into Antonella’s face. After all the fucking obviously she could not think straight. When they told her to get out and chase Iguanas for more money she did. They drove off with all the money she had earned until now. Only in Miami!





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